58 research outputs found

    Nest tree characteristics of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) in boreal forest landscapes

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    Tree cavities, and especially cavities made by woodpeckers, are important microhabitats in forest ecosystems. However, the properties of woodpecker nest trees and cavities are poorly known even in boreal areas where most tree cavities are made by woodpeckers. We studied the nest tree characteristics of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) in a 170-km(2) forest-dominated area in southern Finland during 1987-2018. The data included 97 nest trees with 106 nest cavities in five deciduous tree species. During the study period, more than one nest cavity (2-3) was excavated in 7% of all cavity trees. Nests were found in three forest types, but the proportions of nest tree species differed between them. Birch (Betula spp.) was the most common nest tree species with 40% of nests. Nest trees were either dead (79%) or decaying (21%), and the majority (69%) had a broken top. The mean diameter at breast height (DBH) of a nest tree was 24.7 cm and the mean height of a cavity hole was 3.3 m; size and height were significantly positively correlated. The mean ratio of cavity height in relation to the respective nest tree height was 0.49, and did not depend on the nest tree condition. The results highlight the importance of dead and decaying deciduous trees as nest cavity sites for this small woodpecker species. Provision of suitable cavity trees during forest management is important to maintain breeding and cavity building opportunities for the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in managed forests.Peer reviewe

    The importance of nesting cavity and tree reuse in the three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus in dynamic forest landscapes

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    Cavity-nesting birds can save time and energy by reusing old cavities. We studied cavity reuse and its connections to nesting success and timing in the three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus in a 170-km(2) area in southern Finland during 1987-2015. The data include 520 nest trees, 645 nest cavities and 833 nestings in 86 territory sites, including 211 cases of cavity reuse. Twenty-five percent of nestings was in previously used cavities. Twenty-eight percent of cavities and 25% of nest trees were used more than once. Reuse improved nesting success and facilitated early nesting in the year following first nesting. Reuse of nest trees with several cavities was observed in 15% of nest trees, and 62% of reused cavities were in those multi-cavity trees. Cavity reuse and multi-cavity trees were most abundant in long-term territories with stable habitats. In boreal forests, cavity and tree reuse can be an important adaptation allowing efficient nesting during a short breeding season.Peer reviewe

    Three-toed Woodpecker cavities in trees : A keystone structural feature in forests shows decadal persistence but only short-term benefit for secondary cavity-breeders

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    Primary cavity-producers like woodpeckers are often considered as keystone species, because they produce nest sites also for several other cavity-nesting animals and, thus, maintain ecological webs of cavity-breeders. However, the detailed temporal dynamics of cavities and their lifetime occupancy rates and survival are not usually known which makes it difficult to assess the actual significance and full impact of primary cavity breeders. In this study, we monitored cavities in a large forest landscape, covering the full lifetime of cavities. We focused on a mature and old-growth forest specialist cavity-breeder, the Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tri-dactylus. The data include the annual occupancy history of 655 old cavities of the Three-toed Woodpecker in 86 territories in a 170-km(2) area in southern Finland during 1987-2017. The study area included both managed and natural forest types. The median survival time of a cavity was 10 years, but there were significant differences between forest area types with a range of 7-13 years. The occupancy in all cavities was 21.3%, and the cavities were available for secondary cavity-breeders each year. There was a significant negative correlation between the occupancy and the age of the cavity. The first five years of a cavity were important for the total occupancy, and 86% of occupancies took place before the median age of the cavities. In cavities older than 15 years the occupancy was only 7%. The pattern was similar in all types of forests. Our results show that cavities made by Three toed Woodpeckers have rather long lifespan but also that their active use by other cavity-breeding species is restricted mostly to few years only. The result indicates that new, fresh cavities are needed continuously in a forest landscape, in order to maintain the role that Three-toed Woodpecker has as a keystone species.Peer reviewe

    Nest tree characteristics of the old-growth specialist Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus

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    The Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus is a mature and old-growth forest specialist but how the species uses trees for nesting in its breeding sites and whether cavity trees are a critical habitat feature is poorly known. We studied the nest tree characteristics of the species in a 170-km(2) area in southern Finland during 1987-2016. The data included 538 nest trees of eight different species and 665 nest cavities in 86 territory areas. Norway spruce Picea abler was the predominant nest tree comprising 71% of all nest trees. Proportionally, deciduous nest trees were more common in moist forests on mineral soils and conifer nest trees more common in spruce swamps. The majority of nest trees (85%) were dead or decaying trees; higher numbers of dead deciduous nest trees were recorded than dead conifer trees. The mean diameter of a nest tree at diameter at breast height (DBH) was 29.4 cm and the mean height of a cavity hole was 5.1 m; size and height were significantly positively correlated. The proportion of deciduous nest trees was significantly higher (45%) in natural forests compared with other areas subjected to variable amounts of forest management, where the respective proportion was only 9-17%. In addition, cavity holes were significantly higher in natural forests than in managed ones. In general, the results highlight the substantial flexibility in nest tree use but also the importance of large dead and decaying trees (including deciduous trees) as nest cavity sites for the species. Spruce swamps can be considered as key nesting habitats in managed forest landscapes.Peer reviewe

    Pilot Study of Sap Properties of Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) Trees Used and Not Used for Sap- Feeding by Three-Toed Woodpeckers (Picoides tridactylus)

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    The ecophysiology of the Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees that were used by three-toed woodpeckers (TTW) (Picoides tridactylus) for their sap-feeding activities were investigated. The pilot study was conducted in southern Finland (61°15′ N, 25°00′ E). During April–June 2015, three different tree categories of Norway spruce were selected for monitoring: trees that were frequently used by the TTWs for phloem sap-feeding for several previous years; trees that were only recently used by TTWs for sap-feeding; and control trees that were not used at all for sap-feeding. Phloem sap and phloem tissue samples were frequently extracted from tree trunks and analyzed for the content and composition of nonstructural carbohydrates, phloem sap osmolality, solute, and water content, as well as for the content and composition of secondary metabolites typical for defense reactions in the phloem. Simple crown characteristics were also measured, including tree height, diameter at breast height, and their ratio (slenderness index). According to our results, the TTWs preferred Norway spruce trees that showed advanced spring phenology to feed on, as evidenced especially by the lower ratio of raffinose (typically high during the winter months) to total soluble sugars of phloem tissues as compared to non-used control trees. The lower slenderness index of the trees chosen by the TTWs indicates low canopy competition pressure with good access to light (i.e., the sun heats the trunks well in spring). There were no differences in the phloem osmolality or solute content between the used or unused control trees. The trees used by the TTWs had significantly higher concentrations of antioxidant phenolic (+)-catechins and stilbene glycosides in phloem tissue, and the stilbene content was also higher in the extracted sap. The phenolics content of the phloem tissue had a clear seasonal trend, being the highest in the early spring and lower towards the onset of the cambial growth processes. The phloem sap is rich in antioxidants and soluble sugars that are potentially beneficial for the TTWs, but more quantitative research is needed to explore the importance of the sap properties to TTWs

    Rakennusten kosteusvauriot ja ylilämpeneminen muuttuvassa ilmastossa – RAIL

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    Tutkimuksessa tehtiin laskennallisia tarkasteluja ulkoseinärakenteiden rakennusfysikaalisesta toimivuudesta nykyisessä ja projisoiduissa tulevaisuuden ilmastoskenaarioissa. Lisäksi laskennallisella mallinnuksella tarkasteltiin ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksia rakennusten ylilämpenemiseen ja lämpöviihtyvyyteen. Rakennusten kosteusvaurioiden ja niihin liittyvien mikrobien yhteyttä ihmisten terveyteen tarkasteltiin kahdella systemaattisella katsauksella. Korkeiden kesäajan lämpötilojen vaikutusta terveyteen nyt ja tulevaisuudessa arvioitiin epidemiologisin sekä vaikutusarvioinnin menetelmiin. Tehtyjen tarkastelujen perusteella suurin osa Suomessa yleisesti käytössä olevista ulkoseinä­rakenteista pärjää myös muuttuvassa ilmastossa. Homehtumisriski nousee sellaisissa ulkoseinärakenteissa, jotka päästävät viistosadetta lävitseen, pidättävät vettä rakenteen huokosverkostossa (tiili, läpäisevä betoni) ja tuuletus on heikkoa. Palvelutalojen sekä asuntojen laskennalliset ja havaitut lämpötilat nousevat korkeiksi jo nykyisessä ilmastossa. Pelkät auringonsuojausratkaisut eivät ole riittäviä pitämään huone­lämpötiloja riittävän alhaisella tasolla, vaan sen lisäksi tarvitaan myös aktiivista jäähdytystä erityisesti helleaaltojen aikana. Jäähdytys tulisi kohdistaa rakennuksiin, joissa asuu ikäihmisiä, sillä heillä terveysriskit ovat suurimmat. Ilman lisätoimia tulevat korkeiden lämpötilojen terveyshaitat huomattavasti lisääntymään Suomessa jo lähitulevaisuudessa väestön ikääntyessä.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä
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